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Complete Count Training

Census Flyer.jpg

In adherence to the National Social Action Commission, please join us at the BH Library from 12 - 1:00pm for the "Complete Count training." Come here valuable information to learn how to help motivate residents in the community to respond to the 2020 census. A soror from the Southfield Alumnae chapter will conduct the training and therefore, it is important that we have significant presence from the chapter. The community is invited. Flyer to come soon/Attire: Sorority colors.

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12:00 PM12:00


VoteRunLead - in partnership with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated presents the Run as You Are 2019 National Training. The twenty city tour kicks off on May 18, 2019 with five locations in the Midwest Region.  Additionally, there are also opportunities for online training which maybe of interest to your chapter members.

As the United States’ largest and most diverse, national, women’s training organization, VoteRunLead is uniquely positioned to train women to run as they are.  Be a part of the record-breaking numbers of women who are gearing up to run in 2019, 2020 and beyond at #RunAsYouAre2019! 

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to May 19

May Week Activities

  • Tuesday, May 14 - Scholarship Reception, Camelot Clubhouse at 6:00 pm/Attire: Business Sorority Colors

  • Friday, May 17 - Friday Hugs, El Rodeo (1367 Mall Dr, BH) at 6:00 pm/Attire: Casual Paraphernalia

  • Saturday, May 18 - In adherence to the National Social Action Commission, please join us at the BH Library from 12 - 1:00 pm for the "Complete Count training." Come here valuable information to learn how to help motivate residents in the community to respond to the 2020 census. A soror from the Southfield Alumnae chapter will conduct the training and therefore, it is important that we have significant presence from the chapter. The community is invited. Attire: Sorority colors.

  • Sunday, May 19 - Worship Service at Second Baptist Church (600 Donald Adkins Dr, BH)/

  • Sunday, May 19 - Crop Walk.

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